October has arrived, and that means it’s National Fire Prevention Month! This tradition originated in the remembrance of The Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Originally lasting a week, this event now spans the entire month. Why? Good question! Shockingly, approximately 358,500 house fires occur each year, with the unsettling fact that most of these incidents can be prevented through simple preventative measures and regular maintenance. Join your Five Star Heating & Cooling Dayton family as we ignite the fire of safety awareness with the aim of protecting you from the very real threat of house fires. 

It’s first crucial to understand that HVAC systems, on their own, are not inherently hazardous. However, lapses in proper practices and instances of negligence can lead to safety hazards. So, familiarizing yourself with the most common HVAC-related fire hazards is wise. 

Clutter Around a Unit is a Fire Hazard:

Some HVAC units are installed in garages or basements, which are spaces frequently used for storage. But remember, it is imperative, regardless of where the unit is located, that it is best to maintain a clutter-free vicinity surrounding the unit. Furthermore, you should make sure that there is a sufficient amount of space that will allow for unrestricted airflow around it. On top of that, take special care with what items are positioned nearby. Things like cardboard boxes, paint cans, chemicals, cleaning solutions, or any other flammable items should not be placed around or near an HVAC unit. 

Poor InstallationS ARE a Fire Hazard

Improper installation stands as another significant cause of HVAC-related fires. This is because the installation process involves numerous intricate details. However, poorly installed units installed by a questionable HVAC company can go unnoticed for years, especially if the unit is not being serviced regularly. To prevent this problem, make sure you always collaborate with a licensed HVAC company for all your HVAC needs, and don’t forget, as mentioned earlier, to schedule your routine maintenance checks. 

Electrical Issues Are a Fire Hazard

One of the most common causes of HVAC-related fires is electrical problems. Often, when individuals purchase homes, the complete history of an HVAC unit is unavailable. Over time, these units age, wear down or become outdated, resulting in electrical issues stemming from aged wiring and circuits. So, once again, we stress how regular maintenance is indispensable for preventing potentially dangerous situations. 

Fire Prevention Tips from Your Five Star Heating & Cooling Dayton Professionals: 

  • Develop a comprehensive escape plan involving all family members, including children. Designate a well-known outdoor meeting spot away from the house in case of a fire, and make sure everyone in your household understands the fire escape plan well. 
  • Prioritize safety by installing Carbon Monoxide & Explosive Gas Detectors capable of identifying carbon monoxide, methane, and propane leaks in your home. 
  • Ensure smoke detectors are placed on every level of your home, including the basement. Additionally, situate smoke detectors outside sleeping areas, such as hallways.  
  • Maintain a monthly testing schedule for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors and replace batteries yearly. 
  • Bear in mind that smoke alarms have a finite lifespan of approximately ten years.  
  • Keep a readily accessible fire extinguisher on each level of your home, preferably in easily accessible common areas. 
  • Experts advocate for keeping bedroom doors closed at night, effectively slowing the rate at which fire spreads – a strategy recognized for saving lives. 

At Five Star Heating & Cooling Dayton, your family’s safety is of paramount importance. We aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to protect your loved ones. Consistent annual maintenance is key to ensuring that your HVAC system complies with current standards and operates efficiently. You can also contact us to explore our Whole Home Protection Plan, which is designed to help keep your home and HVAC system in peak condition. We’ll keep you covered! 

Call Five Star Heating & Cooling Dayton today at (937) 708-8278, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here